5 Reasons why ArtRéal is the Best Place to Purchase Your Art

If you've stumbled upon the ArtRéal platform you probably already love our art work. However, just in case you're still not sure about our products, we thought we should further explain what makes them so special.
1. Created by an artist. The ArtRéal community was created and founded by Martin Van De Wyngard; an artist who has managed to turn his passion of art creation into a platform where people can buy or sell unique art work. This makes Martin the perfect leader as he fully understands the needs, the struggles, and the wishes of all local Montreal artists and art lovers. He realises the importance of a platform such as ours not only to give artists a voice, but to also to reunite them with customers who will listen. Be sure to check out our website for more information about Martin and the story behind the community.

2. More than just art. ArtRéal’s wide range of art was all created by talented artists from diverse backgrounds with a story to tell. When you shop our website, you get to know these artists, their inspirations, and the background behind the art that they create. Although you are purchasing something material and tangible, you also get to enjoy a connection that you otherwise would not have when buying art elsewhere.

(Source: http://www.lesaffaires.com)
3. Support local. Although the artists are extremely diverse, they all live in Montreal. Therefore, by shopping with us, you are helping to support the Montreal community and the local artists within it. It’s local businesses such as ArtRéal that really give Montreal it’s flavor; One-of-a-kind brands and products such as ours are so much more interesting and special than the common chain stores. We care about our customers and our environment and we cherish and embrace the Montreal community. Help us celebrate our individuality, and yours.
Artwork featured: Galactic Smoke (By: Martin Van De Wyngard)
4. Unique. We know that you’re tired of common, popular things that everybody has. There’s nothing less exciting than visiting your friend’s home and realizing you have the exact same painting from the super trendy store that everyone shops at. There are currently thousands of others with that exact painting as well. It’s time to truly stand out and express your uniqueness through your purchases. Make your house truly feel like your home with original artwork that will last through time and that will never be “unfashionable” or no longer “hip” or “cool”.
Artwork featured: Caveman (By: Lina Benaissa)
5. Great value. We saved the best point for last. You’re probably thinking, how does it get any better?! Well to add to the awesome list of reasons why you should shop our art: It’s affordable. By shopping our art, not only do you become part of an awesome community, you also get the original art piece you’ve been yearning for without breaking your bank. We also make sure to give all our e-mail subscribers exclusive discount codes and great deals. Click here to become a member and save even more money: https://www.artreal.club/